How Eve invented dualism1


“The right Way is the untrodden.

It becomes the wrong Way when you’ve stepped on it.”

                                                                                                                    Harry Gato (1976)


A few million years before time was invented, Eve2 opened her eyes3 and saw4 she was in the middle of nowhere, possibly in the middle of Africa. As far as she could see stretched endless undifferentiated5 sameness.6


Horrified,7 she realised8 she was nowhere and therefore a nobody.9 But Eve was an imaginative gal.10 To feel better, she imagined11 that she needed to invent a somewhere and by so doing become somebody.


She collected some stones, called Adams, and laid them in a circle. Then she stepped into the circle and, hallelujah, she was somewhere and therefore a somebody.12 Within the 1st and which was nowhere13,14 she had invented (indeed, bootstrapped) a 2nd and which appears as a somewhere. 15,16,17 And that made her feel very happy.18




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However, she soon got bored19 because what had seemed different now appeared as the same.20 So she began to fill the empty space (i.e., the nowhere) within her somewhere with lots of different, because new objects.21 And each time she did that22 she became more of a somebody and felt a lot better.


But even that wasn’t enough. Hence Eve began to step outside (hence before) her somewhere23 and back into nowhere and there invented/fantasized a new circle and so a new somewhere that was different from her original somewhere.24 And she continued inventing new somewheres and somebodys for several million years.


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The medieval Indian Sri Yantra diagram, a true pataphysicon,25 was the most abstract depiction of Eve’s action, meaning the invention of the realistic fantasy (or idea) of life, hence of all lives, hence of life as such.26,27,28



But the horrible memory of having existed nowhere as a nobody haunted her. So, to protect her offspring29 from the awful experience of encountering nowhere and being nobodies she gradually increased the height of the perimeter30 of her somewhere so that the kids couldn’t look beyond.

The upshot was that Eve’s kids, and who had inherited her DNA, now invented pure reason which fantasized that because they were in a somewhere there had to be either another, indeed an ‘other’ somewhere31 or a nowhere. And because they could not escape their somewhere, though a few did,32 they invented countless imaginary solutions about both the nowhere and other somewheres. In short, Eve’s kids upgraded themselves from being mere dualistic metaphysicists to monistic pataphysicists by imagining and then turning their fantasies into useful realities.33













1.    Two alternate versions of this private (because invented by an individual) fantasy can be read in the Brihadaranyaka Upanishad composed about 2500 years ago in India. For the medieval third Hindu version see below.

2.    Eve is the brogue translation of the Hebrew word/name Chavvah meaning ‘the mother of all living’ and the Adam’s playmate.

3.    In fact her eyes (just like her other sensing functions) merely served as data/instruction collectors. The eye she opened was her inner eye (i.e., her Third) that transformed her private responses (i.e., her private imaginary solutions) to external data instructions into a cognisable fantasy/dream (i.e., into a supplemental universe).

4.    For all variations of the word ‘see’ substitute imagine, fantasize, idealize, fictionalize and so on. What an individual ‘sees’ happens as internal simulation in analogue of selected quantised streams of quantised (i.e., digitised) data both internal and external.

5.    Limitless, boundless, hence not cognizable

6.    Non-difference

7.    Here ‘horror’ functions as a Guide & Control signal from her navigation system (i.e., brain) instructing her that her survival capacity (her self-preservation capacity) had seriously diminished.

8.    She awakened, thereby becoming a Buddha. In fact, she awakened to the realization (i.e., a supplemental universe) that she was dreaming, imagining and so on.

9.    She was a nobody because only difference (and she was alone, hence non-different) can be cognised. Sameness (non-difference) is compressed out. In other words, to realize ‘I AM’ (and which is the ultimate goal-as-side-effect (!!!) of existence) she needed to invent herself as a somebody (i.e., as a differentiated, hence cognizable One).

10.     Eve, ‘The Mother of all living’ (i.e., of all supplemental universes), operated the pataphysical procedure namely to imagine (i.e., bootstrap) a solution before realizing it as a cognizable and ‘fitter’ existent. Eve was the very first artist, namely the first human to apply human (hence natural) artifice to bootstrap herself to a new response (hence consciousness) state and personal survival capacity. She gave herself a survival edge by inventing a more efficient (albeit recursive) survival procedure. 

11.    She fantasised (i.e., invented) an imaginary solution (hence a placebo) to make her feel like somebody and therefore better.

12.    By stepping into the circle Eve had invented, bootstrapped TWO (dualism, relativity and which affects (as 1)) from ONE (monism, singularity and which does not affect). What Eve simply did, having first imagined it, was to draw an arbitrary (because private, i.e., particular) line (as supplemental universe) in the sand (read: chaos, the absurd), thereby inventing difference (i.e., dualism) and thereby (relative) meaning.

13.    The 1st is the monist/singularity (hence initial or end @ equilibrium) state or monad because lacking constraints/rules/boundaries that differentiate. The monist position is unperturbed, i.e., @rest, therefore apolitical, hence useless as survival/life initiator.

14.    In the 1st Upanishad the 1st (as monist imaginary solution) was named the non-relative, absolute (and so on) nirguna Brahman and nicknamed as the non-cognizable ‘The One without a Second.’ The nirguna Brahman represents the (pataphysicist’s) individual (or monad) who is a law unto him/herself.

15.    In the 1st Upanishad the 2nd is the dynamic dualist (Sanskrit:  dvaita) (to nth elaboration) state because selectively and so relatively constrained.

16.    In the 1st Upanishad version the 2nd was named saguna Brahman. The latter represents all cognizable (as realistic fantasies) supplemental universes, and which are imagined as numberless. Because derived from the 1st (i.e., from the nirguna Brahman as emergent procedure that respnds to turbulence), every 2nd of n happens as differential recursion. Hence the 1st can be inferred (hypothetically) from the 1st .  

17.    The 2nd Upanishad version of this ‘creation’ story names the nowhere (i.e., boundless. @rest sameness) ATMAN and the somewhere (i.e., selectively constrained sameness, hence difference) atman. The Sanskrit word atman originally meant ‘breath’, akin to the German word Atem, meaning breath).

18.    Her invention/fantasy (i.e., as imaginary solution) made (indeed was intended to make) her happy and was, therefore, a placebo.

19.    Because she operates as a transient (thermo-)dynamic (quantum mechanical) system whereby she and all her data/quanta decay (unless regenerated, recharged). Eve’s unpleasant sense of boredom emerges as another warning signal from her navigation system that she is decaying into sameness, hence that, lacking ‘difference that makes a difference’, her survival capacity is diminishing.

20.    Repetition, rather than differential recursion, reduces difference to sameness. Only the new (indeed the random), to wit, the next unpredictable step (as contact event), is different, hence can impact as instruction.

21.    Fantasized via sub specie momenti as realistic objects, somethings.

22.    She either stacks differential placebos upon differential placebos or nests placebos within placebos, thereby staying dynamic/alive, i.e., as a cognizable and realistic somebody.

23.    By stepping outside her fantasized somewhere, as supplemental universe, Eve triggers a momentary NDE, i.e., a Near Death Experience, as in dreamless sleep. By inventing/fantasizing a new somewhere/somebody as imaginary solution she comes alive again (albeit in a dream), i.e., in dream-sleep. She awakens fully when she realises (i.e., fantasises realistically) that she and her world are both happening as a dream.

24.    The somewhere/something invention procedure is blind, automatic and recursive. Each new somewhere is a differential application of the invention/creation/fantasizing procedure. The more complex (and dense) her fantasy arrangements get the more real, conscious (displaying as her fantasy stream) and substantial and happy she feels. However, being dynamic, her original circle (her self-imposed constraints or rules set, to wit, a Universal Truing Machine) and all subsequent (or supplemental) circles decay and she as their side-effect with it.

25.    A pataphysicon is an imaginary solution, in other words a private (or personal) fantasy or fiction. It prepares for transition into a realistic supplementary world (Jarry).

26.    Hindu sannyasins seeking exit from life (samsara), for instance, as jivanmuktas, focus on the empty space in the middle of the Yantra and then gradually eliminate one triangle after another until their dream of life has ceased.

27.    If the centre of the Yantra contained a dot (or bindi, indeed, any image (called Ishwara)) then the Yantra functioned as political tool.

28.    The Sri Yantra is an early Hindu depiction of the abstract notion of recursion. The problem was resolved with the ‘Two Truths’ theorem.

29.    That is to say, her differential (fractal) recursions as local applications of the non-local emergent creation procedure.

30.    i.e., the constraints, rules, laws, boundaries, tabus that limit and so define.

31.    They bootstrapped the fantasy of dualism (or multi-differentialism) and relativity from the fantasy of monism and equivalence.

32.    The few who did escape, and who were pataphysicists like Eve, managed to do so by reducing their size, i.e., by zooming out the data observation to maximum, thereby becoming so small that they could crawl out between the perimeter stones (i.e., the Adams), or because they became adept at satipathana (i.e., mindfulness) meditation. Some, of course, completed the fête of escaping from somewhere to nowhere, i.e., from difference to sameness, curtesy of an actual or feigned (à le Ramana Maharshi) Temporal Lobe Epilepsy. Others still escaped because they understood recursion; other still by observing sub specie aeternitatis.

33.    The pataphysicists turned fictions into facts (because observed sub specie momenti) for their own survival benefit and happiness.


Sri Yantra